Chrostoski, Philip C2018-09-032018-09-03 nitrogen vacancy center in diamond has become an interesting topic to investigate with their applications in magnetic field sensors and quantum computing. A major problem in their applications has been the large amounts of noise. Fluctuations in both the electric and magnetic fields give rise to this noise. At room temperature, the electric field has shown to be the largest factor in the noise. We decided to investigate these thermal fluctuations caused by the electric field. The model used is a system consisting of the NV-center with a protective layer on the surface. We examined different surface materials such as; D-glycerol, propylene carbonate, and others to compare with recent experimental data. The fluctuation dissipation theorem was used to obtain the charge noise spectral density. The noise for the liquid protective layers is less than the solid protective layers initially. The liquids show better noise reduction due to their faster relaxation times for their dipole interactions. Both the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity play key roles in effecting the noise of the system.Thermal charge noise of a near-surface nitrogen vacancy center diamond with a protective layer2018-05-29en