Malcolm, Jacquelyn Lorraine2018-10-092018-10-09 purpose of this comparative case study analysis was to examine the effect of Catholic identity on college student perception of mission. Much of the uncertainty of Catholic identity evolves around students’ experiences of Catholics at Catholic institutions (King, 2014). Despite the correlations that have been made between institutional mission and student outcomes, organizational behavior, and strategic management, remarkably there are few reliable and valid measures in existence that directly evaluate stakeholders’ perceptions of an institution’s mission (Ferrari et al., 2004 and Ferrari et al., 2006). The comparative case study analysis address the following: Catholic identity and its effect on college students’ perception on the level of Catholicity as shown and practiced through mission. This research study will also act as a framework for future research studies on Catholic identity as it relates to specific student populations.The effect of catholic identity on college student perception of mission2018-09-20en